So excited to share the news with you, that one of my books will chart in this weekend’s Sunday Times Bestsellers.

The first book Wendy Mitchell and I wrote together, Somebody I Used to Know, also charted — at number seven I believe. And now, What I Wish People Knew About Dementia, enters at number five. So, so happy.
Wendy, as you can imagine, is thrilled and tweeted this to tell her followers:

I found it so touching, she’s right, all this after being diagnosed with a disease that most people consider — wrongly — to be the end.
But then that is the power of storytelling. This is what can be achieved when you reach out, through the strength of your words, and share something that happened to you with another person, or people. It doesn’t need to be through a ghostwriter, it doesn’t need to become a Sunday Times Bestseller, sometimes it’s important just to share to help one other person.
Here’s my favourite review that someone wrote on Amazon after they read Wendy’s first book:

Doesn’t helping that one woman alone make it all worthwhile?
It got me thinking of the Ted Talk I did five years ago — four books ago. I thought you might find something useful in there, that it might convince you to share a story you’ve been keeping to yourself. So, here you go… I shall now go and hide behind a cushion. Enjoy!