Here we are, day five, and I really hope you have been enjoying this series and the authors you have being hearing from.
Today’s mystery author might help those of you with TBR piles already threatening to topple feel better about adding a few more books to them over the festive period.

Libby Page in the Sunday Times bestselling author of three books, The Lido, The 24-Hour Cafe and The Island Home.

As you will read, Libby achieved all this without attending a creative writing course. It is a dilemma for aspiring writers whether a course will be advantageous to the process, all of us writers will have a different opinion on the matter. However, whether you have attended a course or not, the serious business of sitting down, alone, with that blank page is what counts, and most importantly putting one word in front of another. As I say to the writers who I mentor, that is the only difference between them and a published author — the published author simply persevered. Libby has the same advice for you too, so let’s hear from the woman herself:
“It might go without saying but I think reading widely is one of the most important things you can do as a budding writer. I never studied creative writing and although that is an option I think you can pick up what makes a good story – pacing, plot, characters – just by reading as much as you can. It helps you develop an innate sense of what makes a good story.
“I’d also say perseverance is key. Writing is just a small part inspiration and a huge part dedication – forcing yourself to just sit down and get the words down on a page even when it doesn’t feel easy or when you think everything you write is rubbish. We all struggle with self-doubt – being a writer means showing up and carrying on regardless.”