This is The Book Room. It is, for now, a new substack newsletter from me, but I have so many more plans than just that.
The big and lofty ambition is to turn this substack newsletter into a bricks and mortar bookshop. Yes, I know, going into a recession is not the ideal time to go into retail. But they say books are recession proof, so… we’ll see.
It has been a dream of mine to open a bookshop – books are my world, I write them, I read them – but I want to do something a little different, and for that, I’m going to need your help.
For now though, just to whet your appetites, I’ll share two things that The Book Room will do:
Firstly, it will document my journey in real time from author to bookshop owner – what does it take to open a bookstore, and will I be able to hack it?!
Secondly, this newsletter is going to be sent out weekly on a Sunday night with a digest of book news from the weekend papers – Which books have been reviewed that you need to know about? Which authors have been interviewed and what did they have to say? Which books must fly to the top of your TBR piles?
Let me do the trawl through the weekend papers so you don’t have to…
So there you go, two good reasons to sign up to The Book Room. More will be revealed as we set off on this adventure – I hope you’ll come along for the ride!